Colleagues Enjoy BAYMEC’s Progress Never Stops Brunch

On Sunday, colleagues from Caminar and The LGBTQ Youth Space joined other community leaders and members at the Bay Area Municipal Elections Committee (BAYMEC) Progress Never Stops brunch.


BAYMEC, a four-county lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) political action committee (PAC), has lobbied and fought for LGBT civil rights and a more equal and inclusive society for 33 years.

Held at The GlassHouse in San Jose, the brunch included networking with local elected officials and community leaders, the opportunity to meet candidates for public office, and a program of dynamic and inspiring speakers. An event highlight, the keynote address featured California Attorney General Xavier Becerra who received a standing ovation from the more than 400 in attendance.

Our organization was well represented by Cassie Blume, Director of LGBT Programs, and Adrienne Keel, Outreach Coordinator, from The LGBTQ Youth Space and Harriet Pecot, Caminar’s Associate Director of Major Gifts. The LGBTQ Youth Space also staffed a table at the brunch and spoke with attendees about programs and services offered to LGBTQ youth in Santa Clara County.

Proceeds from the event will help to elect LGBT candidates and champions of LGBT rights to local office in 2018.