Message from Mark: Why Mental Health?


Dear Friends,

I hope you are well. As I mentioned in my last email, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. 

COVID-19 has exacted a mental health toll on our community and the world. Pre-pandemic, we saw a rising need for our services, particularly among adolescents and younger adults. Demand for behavioral health care increased during the pandemic —  it will continue to grow as we re-open our communities and individuals and families begin to seek care.   

Behavioral health care plays a crucial role in  

►  Reducing homelessness

►  Reducing incarcerations

►  Reducing costly emergency room visits

►  Bolstering people's ability to engage with family, school, work, and primary care

Addressing behavioral health, along with the social determinants of health and inequities in our systems, will create enduring economic and health benefits. We can reduce a lot of human suffering by ensuring behavioral health care is available to all who need it.   

At Caminar, we are more committed than ever to serving our most vulnerable neighbors with science-based and compassionate services that address complex behavioral health needs. We hope you will remain healthy and aware of your mental health, the mental health of your friends and family, and the mental health and wellbeing of our community. Thank you for your ongoing support.  

Be well,

Mark Cloutier, MPP, MPH
Caminar CEO