
Dear Friends,

2020 was a year unlike any other, and we are grateful for your ongoing and generous support of Caminar. I am pleased to share with you our Fiscal Year 2020 Impact Report.  

The pandemic has brought out the best in humanity through the support of community members like you, whose dedicated support helped Caminar continue essential services. Simultaneously, the pandemic laid bare deep and persistent inequities in our communities which have worsened a behavioral health epidemic within the pandemic. We are more committed than ever to addressing these dual crises to continue to make our communities healthier places to grow and thrive.   

Our strategic plan was completed in early 2020 to address un- and under-treated behavioral health needs in our communities. Our work in 2021 continues to focus on: 

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Serving those with moderate and severe behavioral health issues, focusing on the co-occurring disorders of mental health and substance use

Addressing the social determinants of health; housing, food, income security, and racism


Emphasizing both individual- and community- level outcomes to reduce hospitalizations, incarcerations, and housing instability while focusing on individual well-being and functioning

Applying clinical research with compassion in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of complex behavioral health conditions

With thanks to our donors and funders – including regional government funders, individual donors, foundations, corporations – and our board of directors, Caminar made a substantial impact on these focus areas.  

I am grateful for your steadfast support in the face of adversity, indebted to our board chair – Betsy Pace and our Caminar board of directors for their partnership during this time, and humbled by the tireless work of our staff in the face of incredible challenges. Thank you!  

Our door is open – you are invited to reach out to me or another member of our team if you have any questions about this report or the services Caminar provides. Thank you for your commitment to enriching our most vulnerable neighbors' lives with dignity and hope for a healthier future. Be well and stay safe.  

With warm regards,  

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Mark Cloutier, MPP, MPH  
CEO, Caminar 

Please read the Letter From Our Board Chair