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Take a deep dive into our external documentation to see agency policies, client forms, financial profiles, annual impact reports, and client satisfaction survey results.
Notice of Privacy Practices for Behavioral Health Programs serving SMI clients
These include reference to Lanterman-Petris HIPAA protections - includes clients served by Solano Behavioral Health; San Mateo Behavioral Health; Vocational programs in San Mateo, Solano, San Francisco, and Butte; Supported Housing programs in San Mateo, Solano, and Butte; and Supported Ed programs in San Mateo.
Notice of Privacy Practices for Behavioral Health Programs serving Mild-Moderate clients, and Substance Use Treatment services
With reference to special 42CFR Part 2 protections, includes clients served by Solano Healthy Partnerships, Santa Clara Mental Health & SUTS services, and San Mateo Project 90 SUTS Services.
For North First Street offices, please enter the driveway marked by the “First Place” sign. We have three office suites in this location. The office is conveniently located along the VTA line at the Karina Court stop.
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